Thursday, 17 September 2009

So why am I putting myself through this?

You might well ask...

A while back I completed "Project 365" which involved taking a photograph every day for a year and posting it to a group on Flickr.

It was an incredibly interesting year. I learned that;

- it's blinkin' hard to take a good picture every day
- it's very easy to run out of subjects (every object in my flat has been snapped!)
- you learn a lot about your personal style in doing something like this

The results of that year's trials and tantrums are here.

Whilst browsing another of my favourite sites I found a group of people taking part in "101 things in 1001 days". Had a look round one of the main sites and got kind of hooked into the idea.
It's a sort of Anti-New Year's Resolution list. For a start, I've got almost three years to complete these things. Unlike Project 365 I don't have to do something every day - but if I leave it all 'til then end life's going to get a little complicated!

So, I wrote a list of 101 things I'd like to achieve. In itself, that wasn't easy. 60 or 70 things? Reasonably easy to identify. The last ten were killers....

But I've done it. I have a list!


  1. such a cool idea! I wish you all the best of luck and will visit regularly to see how it's going :)
    good Luck!

  2. Really good list and i wish you all the best with it. Am sure you will come to love the journey, like the rest of us.

  3. Thank you both for dropping by :)

    I've started a couple of things today, but I'm going to wait until tomorrow and do my first update.

