Sunday, 25 October 2009

58. Catch 101 fish

I belong to a local sea fishing club (yes, I know that's odd living in the middle of the UK, don't start!) and we go out once a month.

On Friday we went to Weymouth to fish with one of our favourite skippers, Chris Caines on his boat Tiger Lily. Apart from the 4am start (!) it was a lovely day, weather held out and the sea got progressively calmer after a choppy start.
We'd decided to stay overnight on this trip so an excellent evening in a local pub was had. The B+B was a little *limited*... though I love these lads dearly, being the only girl in the club has its advantages (not having to share rooms with any of them is a big plus!). I was put in what the landlady optimistically described as a standard room. Yeah. Given another six square feet of space it would have been a standard wardrobe. What there was of it was comfortable though. And I'd had enough beer not to care :)

So - that's progress on another list item. I caught five fish. 96 to go :)
That's Pete in the photo above - not having one of his better days!

Sunday, 18 October 2009

One month down - only 32 to go...

It's been a very quiet week list-wise.

Work is pretty frantic at the moment. I'm having to do my day job and also a seconded post that has been dormant for a while but is now getting quite lively again. I suppose it's better than being bored!

I've updated the list - it's over there ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~>

Flat smells lovely, there's a chicken roasting in the oven :)

Sunday, 11 October 2009

Three weeks in...

Quick update on the neverending list (or does it just seem that way...?)

25. Up to £120 in the terramundi now

26-8. All up to date (6/286)

31. Get a wok - have asked for a really good one for Christmas :)

35. Lay the dining table and eat at it once a week - (3/143)

37 & 8. New recipe - already blogged (1/50 and 1/33)

43. Packed lunch in the office (5/5)

45. Spam blasting (3/143)

47. Cross stitch for someone else - Done! It's a Christmas present though, so the photo will have to wait.

64. I've booked a long weekend in Dublin for just before Christmas. Guiness here I come :)

85. See previous blog - done!

96 - 8. Updated

101 in 1001 - 85. Photograph a race, march or parade

The EDF Energy World Half marathon was held this morning in Birmingham. Apart form having to get up at silly o'clock to get down to it, it was jolly good fun. Watching, obviously, not taking part. I was standing at the 3 mile and 5 kilometre points and there were already some very tired looking people going past. Not these two, though! Jenna and Bob were all smiles.
You can see the rest of the set (and more silly costumes) here.

Saturday, 10 October 2009

101 in 1001 - 37. & 38. Cook a new recipe

Chicken and celery stir fry :

Chicken breast
1 onion, chopped into smallish chunks
4 stalks of celery, chopped on the diagonal to give lozenge shaped chunks
3 spring onions, chopped

chicken stock
soy sauce
five spice powder
cornflour, slaked in water

I grilled the chicken seperately, 'cause I like it crispy :)

Cook the onion and celery in oil until softened but not browned.

Add the stock, soy and five spice.

Add the beansprouts and spring onion.

Thicken the sauce with the cornflour 'til it's smooth and glossy.

Serve over rice.

Saturday, 3 October 2009

Two weeks in

This week saw our team away day (see previous post) with a day out on a canal boat at Skipton. With the travelling time, it turned into a 14 hour day (argh!) but it was really good fun. OK, so I can't steer boats (I'm better at fishing off the back of them...) but we had a great time and learned some interesting things about each other.

So - that's one thing ticked off and completed.

59. Take a trip on a canal boat

Other stuff updated :

23. Rainy Day fund - after pay day I'm now up to 20% of my target

25. £2 coins - up to £110

26-8. I'm checking and updating more than twice a week, but it keeps me in line

43. Packed lunches - only been in the office twice since this started, but have taken lunch both days

45 - 6. Spam cleared and system defragged

47. Cross stitch really coming on - there are six panels and I've almost finished the third one. Dying to post pictures, but it will have to wait until it's finished

53. Read "Mary Tudor, The First Queen" - really interesting portrait of her. It seemed to be very well researched and debunked many of the "Bloody Mary" theories.

96 - 8. Pictures and blog done :)

Thanks to everyone who's reading this and leaving comments - makes me feel accountable to you all. Eep!

Thursday, 1 October 2009

101 in 1001 - 59. Take a trip on a canal boat


(I am not a natural skipper. The whole "steer left to go right" thing just does not compute...the increasingly frantic handsignals coming from the front, pointy bit convinced me to stick to operating the swing bridges)