Sunday 28 February 2010


Well...the Rainy Day fund's looking rather good. I'm up to 44% of six month's wages now. Hopefully I'll never need it in anger, but it's a nice thing to know that if it all goes pear-shaped I can survive 'til something comes along.

The no-alcohol-for-Lent thing has failed miserably. Ho hum, I'll pick something more realistic next time... :)

I've spent today moving furniture and going to the tip with bags of rubbish. My landlord has got around to ordering the new laminate flooring for the two bedrooms. He did the rest of the flat well over a year ago. So, I'm taking advantage of this to redecorate the spare room - which is currently a fetching shade of lime green.

I've chopped six inches off the edge of the carpet all round the room so that I can gloss the woodwork - which is now done and tomorrow evening I will be tackling the once white ceiling. I've got some "magic paint" left over from redoing the lounge. Amazing stuff - goes on pink (!!?!*?!) but dries white - I assume through reacting with the oxygen in the air. It's brill - you can see exactly where you've painted and you don't end up doing the same area 4 *is* something of a shock though, when you paint the first pink stripe. I was better once it had dried and had indeed gone white :)

Listy thing updated over there ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~>


  1. Well done on your savings for a rainy day, they are coming on really well.

  2. Thanks, Dannie :) I'm hoping to have cracked the RDF by November this year - then I can start to save for the 40th birthday holiday (gonna be a whopper!) and my camper van!

    All I have to cope with right now is living with the contents of the spare room (dismantled bed + bedding, ottoman, bedside cupboard and bookcase) spread all over the rest of the flat ::sigh::

    *Really* looking forward to having to do my room. Not.
